
Hong Kong Trip 2007

Some recollections (photos) of our recent trip to Hong Kong with my 2nd Bro (Giin Bo) and his wife (Suli) from 22/7/07 to 27/7/07.

Additional photos could be found in the photo album.

Hope to see more postings from all :)

Past & Present

200m to the finishing line. 2hrs of pain,
But a trophy at the end of the line,
For Pride & Honour,
Lead to 45days of MC.
Thats me.


My First Day At School

Handsome? Its my genes !
First day of school just started on Monday. It sure was a eventful day.Trust me, when they say the world is small, its small. I'm a true believer of that saying now.
The moment I opened the door to the lecture room, i was met with a familiar yet hostile face. Guess what? Standing there was the ex girlfriend of my buddy in the army. We had our fair share of trouble in the past and I mean donkey years back.
For the whole of the three hours in class, her eyes were fixed on me with the 'You owe me a million Dollars look'.
Even a fellow classmate whom I just befriended asked,"Man you lucky guy. Hooked up a girl already?You are the man"
Actually I kinda enjoyed the unwanted attention given(REST ASSURED.Concentration on class is not compromised).Being a gentleman and part of the Liew family, I walked up to her after class. And I said to her,"It sure is a blessing seeing you again. Hope to see you at the next class." Immediately came the 'Kangaroo under spot light look'! I guessed I surprised her.Well thats my first day at school. Keep in touch for more updates and happenings to come.
That aside, I would like to espress my thanks and appreciation to Er Biao Ke for coming up with this idea of blogging and the family tree. Its a good way to maintain contac as the phone may sometimes be a hassle. And this is one way to keep my english in check. Kudos to you Er Biao Ke!


Dinner with Jinglun

Today, as part of the plan to meet my relatives more often, I invited cousin Jinglun over to visit. The last I met him was during this Chinese New Year and I still had a vague understanding that he was still in secondary school. The Jinglun I met caught me by surprise. He had long hair! Thats him with my dog, Dana. Dana immediately took to Jinglun and both of them had a lot of fun chasing each other.

For the record, Jinglun is now studying Law & Management in polytechnic. That shows how out of touch I have become.
Together with my parents, my wife, my brother Ben and his wife Lingling, we had dinner at Potong Pasir before proceeding to Shawn's place.

Additional Photo of Shawn's Family & Comments

I agree with my 2nd Bro, Giin Bo that we had indeed become more distant and unfamiliar with our already distant relatives (esp their children, which are from our generation). I look forward to coming updates from all families and relatives, keeping this Blog alive.

Coming back to the dinner we had on 21/7/07, had been a while we had dinner with our relatives, apart from Chinese New Year. Here's an additional photo of Shawn's family.

Lastly, many thanks to my 2nd Bro, Giin Bo for starting this "Rekindle Movement" (anyone with a better title???).

Note to Giin Bo: Maybe you should put up the link to the family tree in your initial post or as a footer for all your posts.

Photo Album

Taking up Lingling's suggestion, I have set up an online photo album. The URL is http://liewfamilylife.myphotoalbum.com/welcome.php

At the moment, I have posted older photos for example photos taken when Uncle Guoyuan's family visited my place during CNY 2005.

Outing to Botanic Gardens

We brought the two dogs, Dana and Snowy, for their (almost) weekly Botanic Gardens walk.

Snowy is the white Japanese Spitz while Dana is the sable Shetland Sheepdog.

Both dogs were very happy to be able to stretch their legs especially Snowy who simply love to meet other dogs. Dana, being shy by nature, normally avoid meeting other dogs. Her only doggy friend is Snowy.

After sending the dogs home, the humans went for dinner. Today, dinner was steamboat and chicken rice at Loy Kee (Whampoa hawker centre).

Perhaps, Weipeng can join us next time with his dog as well.

Shawn's place

After dinner, my parents, my brother Ben and his wife Lingling and Jinglun went to visit cousin Shawn. Shawn has a son Seth who is a lovable and energetic 5 year old. He showed us a Happy Feet penguin toy which will call out "Hug Me!" in Seth's voice when you squeeze its hand.
The photo shows the happy family (Seth obligingly struck a playful pose when taking a photo); Shawn's wife is called Shufen.

How this all started

Recently, at a wake of a departed relative, it struck me that, after being introduced my mother to several "distant" relatives, as a Family we have drifted especially so for my generation. When I was young, it was an annual ritual to pay visits to all our relatives. This reduced somewhat over the years to the extent that I am not sure who the many cousins were and which branch of the family they belonged to.

For the benefit of my generation (and future ones), I set up an online family tree tracing my mother's side of the family starting from my great-grandfather.

The purpose of this blog is for the various families to share their lives. We will probably not be able to meet often so this blog can become a convenient way to update each other. I hope that the younger and more IT savvy members of each family can assist to upload photos and add information of their family outings, birthday celebrations etc.

The immediate plan is to organise a gathering before the end of 3rd Qtr 2007.