
Family Photo

Hi all

To reciprocate Patrick's effort in taking a family photo, I am posting a family photo taken during my younger brother Ben's wedding. The head of this branch of family is my maternal grandfather 廖兆林. For convenience, I will refer to him as LZL and draw reference to him (where appropriate).

[1st Row from Left to Right]
(1) Auntie 郑春蕊 (LZL's daughter in law and wife of 廖柏强)(2)Auntie Sherry or 廖宝霞 (LZL's 2nd daughter)(3)Uncle Seng or 廖柏成 (LZL's youngest son) (4) Uncle Kong or 李昌江 (LZL's son-in-law and 廖宝怡's husband) (5) Auntie Jacqueline or 廖宝怡(LZL's youngest daughter) (6) LZL himself

[Middle Row from left to Right]
(1) My mum or 廖宝瑛 LZL's eldest daughter) (2) Counsin Jiajia or 李嘉伦(Granddaughter of LZL and daughter of Uncle Kong and Auntie Jacqueline) (3) My wife Suliana or Suli for short (4) Ailian (My big brother 陈锦汉's wife)

[Back-Row from Left to Right]
(1) Uncle Keong or 廖柏强(2nd son of LZL), (2)Adeline or Haili (daughter of Uncle Keong), (3)Lingling (wife of Ben), (4)Ben or 陈本伟(grandson of LZL and my younger brother), (5)My father 陈奕君 or 廖宝瑛's husband (LZL's son-in-law), (6) Cousin Sinclair 王子聪(Grandson of LZL or 廖宝霞's son), (7) Cousin Jinglun 李经纶(LZL's grandson or son of of Uncle Kong and Auntie Jacqueline), (8) Me 陈锦波(Grandson of LZL), (9) My elder brother 陈锦汉.

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