
Pic of 3rd uncle and the rest

Pic of Uncle Benny and 3rd uncle
X'mas dinner
3rd uncle BD Nov 07 at Changi Golf Club
LtoR: Aaron, Clement, Javern, Benny, 3rd Uncle, Audrey & Chris

Uncle Jeff 2nd (yellow) & 3rd son (red) Uncle Chris
X'mas dinner on 24 Dec 06 at my place

Hi Gin Bo,

I am especially impressed of the family tree that you take time to build. It is indeed informative and neat.

I hereby attach some pic for you to further build the profile. Thank you and have a nice day.

Aunt Angie

1 comment:

GB said...

Thanks, Aunt Angie for the pics. I have uploaded them onto the Family Tree. Do show Uncle Zhong, Uncle Wei, 3rd Granduncle and the younger generations when there is an opportunity.