
Dana has food allergy

Dana is fed a diet of Azmira dry food mixed with slow-cooked pork. Little did I know this will, after so many months of this diet, lead to her developing a food allergy.

Dana developed a spot of dryness on the skin which I thought was a 'hotspot' (canine talk) which is caused by bacteria. The vet said that the spot is actually eczema caused by food allergy. So sorry Dana, your can only have dry food from now onwards, and by the way, doctor says you are FAT!


Mum off to Nanjing

Although mum has taken care of us for so many years, today at Changi Airport, when I see her venturing off with her new-found friends cum classmates, telling us we can go home (when we were there to see her off), I am not without a sense of role-reversal, that my mum is finally independent and she will be going alone overseas.

Our present world of technology and English could be very prohibitive to my mum's generation, so as we grew older and learn the tools of our world, but as the world changed increasingly faster, to my mum's generation, this world becomes more and more difficult to comprehend and they therefore stayed out of it and many never learnt to use a PC, surf the internet or use a mouse.

The YAH (Young at Heart) course is therefore a sort of conversion to the modern world so that the older generation can embrace and appreciate what technology, the world of internet, emails has to offer. The first step normally is the hardest and that's what this course aims to do, to encourage many to take this courageous step.









Snowy the dog went under the knife for her spaying operation. Spaying is widely encouraged as it prevents unwanted puppies and supposedly results in a lowered risk of cancer and other ailments for the dog. Of couse, the dog probably thinks differently and is weakended considerably after the operation.

Here she is pictured enjoying her session of get-well-massage courtesy of my wife.

For the record, she is 99% back to her normal feisty, bossy self.

Wedding coming up in Sep 08

Best wishes to Sinclair and his fiance who are getting married on 14 Sep 08. I am honoured to be helping out with the transport on that day ie driving my car. Looking forward to the happy occasion!


周華健 - 朋友

As part of my mum's YAH (Young at Heart) course, she will be travelling to Nanjing, China for a study trip. Sounds interesting! To continue learning and making new friends at this age is indeed something not easy and should be applauded. I suppose the organisers realise this also, hence the rule that spouses cannot accompany unless they are students as well.

Mum said in Nanjing, they have to sing Emil Chau's popular song so I am appending the MTV and lyrics for her reference.

Happy travelling, mum.

作曲:刘志宏 作词:刘思铭

  这些年 一个人 风也过 雨也走
有过泪 有过错 还记得坚持什么
真爱过 才会懂 会寂寞 会回首
终有梦 终有你 在心中

朋友 一生一起走 那些日子 不再有
一句话 一辈子 一生情 一杯酒
朋友 不曾孤单过 一声朋友 你会懂
还有伤 还有痛 还要走 还有我



词:林夕 曲:小柯
制作:陈少琪 小柯 余秉翰

迎接另一个晨曦 带来全新空气——陈天佳
气息改变情味不变 茶香飘满情谊——刘欢
我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你——那英
拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里——孙燕姿
相约好了在一起 我们欢迎你——王力宏
我家种着万年青 开放每段传奇——韩红
为传统的土壤播种 为你留下回忆——周华健
第几次来没关系 有太多话题——羽泉
北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地——成龙
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸——蔡依林
我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地——周笔畅
岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期——韦唯
画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你——韩庚
北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你——汪峰
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起——谭晶
北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地——阎维文
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸——王霞 李双松
北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你——林依轮
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起——林俊杰
我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你——容祖儿
拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里——李宇春
相约好了在一起 我们欢迎你——陈坤
北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地——谢霆锋
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸——徐若瑄
我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地——汤灿
岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期——林志玲 张梓琳
画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你——许茹芸 伍思凯
北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你——杨坤 范玮琪
让我们都加油去超越自己——游鸿明 周晓欧
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起——沙宝亮 满文军
有勇气就会有奇迹——金海心 何润东
北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地——飞儿 庞龙
流动中的魅力充满着朝气——吴克群 齐峰
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸——5566 胡彦斌
在黄土地刷新成绩——郑希怡 刀郎
北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你——纪敏佳 屠洪刚 吴彤
让我们都加油去超越自己——郭容 刘耕宏 腾格尔
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起——金莎
苏醒 韦嘉 有勇气就会有奇迹——付丽珊 黄征 房祖明
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起——全体群唱
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起——全体群唱

Mother's Day celebration - Karaoke!

Today, my mum had a full day of mother's day activities. Starting at 1pm, we had lunch at the NUSS Guild House where I have recently become a member. The food was of good quality and portions generous as usual. Then I remembered there the Guild House had karaoke rooms so we reserved a room for 4-6 pm.

In the meantime, we went to pick out two shirt/blouse for mum who is going to Nanjing in end May with her YAH (acronym for Young at Heart) classmates. Apparently, as part of the program in Nanjing, the class is going to meet a Chinese professor so mum wanted to make sure she looked the part. She picked a shirt and a blouse for around $100 (after 40% discount as my sis-in-law had VIP card) paid for by my dad.

And it was off to the karaoke session, the first then in which my family sang karaoke together. we enjoyed it so much that we extended the session to another hour! See the pics below.

Ben's going to post a video of my mum dancing while singing. Watch out for that! It's hilarious =)


Updates on Grandpa

The results of the biopsy was finally out yesterday. I had an important presentation that late morning so could not meet the surgeon with Uncle Keong.

Grandpa was admitted to hospital last week after complaining of dizziness. He said that he was often short of breath and had to stop to rest after walking 5 shopfronts. In the hospital, they had him transfused with blood as his red blood cell count was low -- something was taking away the blood.

An endoscope was ordered. It was discovered that were growths in his big intestine in particular one in his colon ie the lower part of the intestine. It was here that samples were taken for the biopsy to determine whether it was malignant. One of the doctor then informed us that chances of it being malignant was high, as there was spreading to the liver.

Because of the growth, when food (or digested food) passed thru the colon, it brushed on the growth causing it to bleed hence the low red blood cell count.

So the news yesterday was not good, but was expected. The growth was malignant. Apparently, grandpa was dead against surgery -- there was higher risk as he had high blood pressure. Chemo is an option but at his age, it would be too much for him to take.

Obviously, doing nothing is also an option, but it would be painful for him, and for us, to see the illness slowly take him away. His pain would be physical, ours would be psychological.

We are really not in control of our bodies nor our destiny, no matter what people say about taking control of your life.

I just hope it will be as painless for him as possible.


Dinner at Dian Xiao Er

Had dinner last Sunday to celebrate the birthday of my bro, GH.

Queuing up outside the restaurant (Causeway Point). Huge crowd and long queue.
Their speciality was their herb roasted duck.





作曲:许镜清 作词:阎肃   

你挑着担 我牵着马
迎来日出 送走晚霞
踏平坎坷 成大道
斗罢艰险 又出发 又出发
敢问路在何方 路在脚下

你挑着担 我牵着马
翻山涉水 两肩霜花
风云雷电任叱咤 一路豪歌响天涯
一番番春秋冬夏 一场场酸甜苦辣
敢问路在何方 路在脚下
