
周華健 - 朋友

As part of my mum's YAH (Young at Heart) course, she will be travelling to Nanjing, China for a study trip. Sounds interesting! To continue learning and making new friends at this age is indeed something not easy and should be applauded. I suppose the organisers realise this also, hence the rule that spouses cannot accompany unless they are students as well.

Mum said in Nanjing, they have to sing Emil Chau's popular song so I am appending the MTV and lyrics for her reference.

Happy travelling, mum.

作曲:刘志宏 作词:刘思铭

  这些年 一个人 风也过 雨也走
有过泪 有过错 还记得坚持什么
真爱过 才会懂 会寂寞 会回首
终有梦 终有你 在心中

朋友 一生一起走 那些日子 不再有
一句话 一辈子 一生情 一杯酒
朋友 不曾孤单过 一声朋友 你会懂
还有伤 还有痛 还要走 还有我

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