

4)工人的工资(大概7-8 员工)


Grandfather in hospital

He complained of dizziness yesterday night and was sent to TTSH. I understand that he was admitted only in the wee hours of the morning due to the shortage of beds.

Together with my Uncle Keong, I met the doctor in charge this morning. The prognosis was the same. The cancerous growth in my grandad's colon is continually bleeding so it is a matter of time when it becomes anemic and symptoms such as dizziness will manifest.

We were asked to decide on the following:

(1) As the scans/ biopsy results from NUH cannot be transferred to or shared with TTSH, if patient was to stay for treatment at TTSH, additional scans will be required
(2) Would patient consider surgery to remove the malignant growth? Surgery in itself is curative if the cancer is confined to this particular growth at the colon. (There is however another growth at the liver which the doctor described as 50:50). If however, the cancer has spread, then surgery will still be necessary to mitigate the symptoms.

A note however, from the doctor was, that the malignant growth has almost completely blocked the colon. Even if cancer do not strike first, the malignant growth might grow to an extent that the entire colon is blocked, which will require surgery anyway.

I was asked by my uncle to break the news to grandad. I am thankful that grandad is a brave soul, never batting an eyelid but even smiling at me as I described to him what the doctor has explained. I did not mention cancer though, I just told him that the growth in his colon is "not a good one". But I think he got the drift.

He was adamant that he will not be subjected to surgery nor chemotheraphy. When I explained that if the growth should block his colon, and that it will be painful, and he might have to go through surgery anyway, his reply was to go one step at a time.

Grandad is a brave man. When I reached hospital, a nurse was in the process of sticking a needle into his arm to draw blood. I saw him closed his eyes, winced, as he felt the pain. When he opened his eyes and saw me, he smiled and never once said he was suffering. I didn't show it, but in my heart, I was in tears.






大风起 把头摇一摇 风停了
又挺直腰 大雨来 弯着背让雨浇
雨停了 抬起头 站直脚 不怕风
不怕雨 立志要长高 小草实并不小


第一次的义工活动 --- SAGE

自从在快乐学堂上课后,我的生活圈子和谈话内 容更加多姿多彩,同时我也引导弟弟柏强和阿蕊参与社会工作。

6 月19日和6月20日我们一起去新加坡乐龄活动联会,把四周围的花草从新整理好。柏强还给电脑桌子釘上夹板。虽然我们很累,但是精神上,我们觉得很愉快。


Dana loves my bed

Ever since I invited Dana onto my bed more than a year ago, she has taken her right to be on the bed as a given. In the past, before I sleep, she will climb onto the bed and accompany me, but will venture down to sleep on the floor (where my wife says is cooler) when I doze off. But lately, she seemed to have gotten used to the comfort of the bed. In the middle of the night, when I wake up for a sip of water or to visit the loo, she will be lying on her side on the bed, sleeply soundly away.

Like this.


Photos from Nanjing - Mum's Edutrip

Mum's back from her trip to Nanjing. It has been two days and she is still talking about it. Looking at the program for the 7 days, the organisers have packed in a lot of activities and opportunities for learning and interacting. I cannot provide captions for the photos, because I didn't have the good fortune to go! haha

This is Mr Huang Mingde. Appears quite often as a guest on Radio 1003 (yes, I am on the uncle station).

According to mum, this was her work, albeit with lots of assistance from the instructor.

Housewarming & Junglun's Birthday

Aunt Jac moved into her new place and graciously held a housewarming lunch today. It was also the occasion of her son, my cousin, Jinglun's 19th birthday! As Jinglun is 'reading' law, I got him a John Grisham novel and a key chain with the words "Good lawyers never lose their appeal". A little cheesy on the pun, but it will have to do -- difficult to find appropriate for sensitive 19 year olds!

Some photos on the new place which is sited on a knoll, the balcony looks out onto the south of Singapore. Looking down, one can see the swimming pool and some mature trees which provide a welcome sight of greenery.
The pool, a good half-olympic size length, looks colorful and welcoming from the top. I heard from cousin Jialun the depth is only 1.3m which I think is a good idea for safety reasons.
That's the club house. The tennis court is on the second level, beneath it is a well-equipped gym, the management office and two functions room.

Sinclair and his soon-to-be wife. They are colleagues at their work place.

Jinglun's birthday cake complimentary of Sinclair and 'wife'. Wonderfully sinful -- lots of chocolate!
woohh...branded cake!
The birthday boy looking 19 years old! compliment...
My nephew Seth striking a pose for his uncle.