
Dana's Shower Time

After seeing Snowy's agony during shower, Dana upgraded her original "Bum and Feet" shower to a "Whole-Body" shower. Let's take a look at the tools of the trade first.

SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER: Only the second time in use.

Dana seems quite ambivalent about the entire shower experience. This was quite a departure when we first got her, she was so terrified of getting herself wet.

Hey! Watch where the water is going!

Watch me shake all these water off.

IT'S THE FUR: Ah Ma, don't say I am fat anymore, see how slim I am.

After the shampoo and the conditioning, Dana needs to be hand-dryer dried to get her fluffy look back.

I love the breeze...

QUESTIONING EYES: Daddy, are you done yet?

Dana clean and happy, basking in the afternoon sun.

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