
New addition to the family

See HI to little Coco, a Miniature Maltese which is the newest member to my big bro's household. So we now have four dogs in the family: Dana, Snowy, Brownie and now Coco. Coco is tiny! I do not have my camera with me today and so have asked my big bro to create a post. Looking forward to the four dogs taking a group photo together.

Some history. Our first dog came into our family decades ago. I think big bro was in sec 2 and brought home a puppy from school. He transported the puppy in a plastic bag and took a bus home. Ben and I were at home and were overwhelmed to see the puppy. We thought it was hungry so made some milk (from powder) but I think the puppy did not drink any. Next, we decided it needed a shower. The puppy did not take well to that but it was great fun.

My parents came home later but did not object to having the puppy probably because the three of us begged to keep it. All was until dinner time. The puppy urinated on the kitchen floor and the next we knew of it, the puppy was carted off somewhere and set free. In retrospect, we kids did not think about how the puppy was going to pee and poo. It would have been great if the puppy had stayed on and grew up with us.

Maybe, this experience stayed in the three of us all these years and has manifested in each of us having a dog now.

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